Hi Cheryl,
Welcome! I can understand your confusion, I too am mixed up between the blogger and fotothing. My photo image will not post. Does anyone have any pointers.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thanks KK..
Thanks for the Encouraging Words
First, I just want to say that I am glad to know that I'm not the first person who is new to this. Second, I would like to thank all of you who sent encouraging words and info to help me. My screen name in fotothing is cvereen77, so add me to your friends so we can view each other's pictures. I would love to see them. Once again, thanks for everyone's help.

Hi my name is Doan. I work for AMC in the IT department. I took a photography class about 10 years ago with a real camera that used film. Now when I go to buy black and white film; it's full of dust on top of the box from sitting on the shelf too long.
I like to take pictures, especially of my daughters (5 and 1 year old). To me, a photograph is like a time machine.
My screen name for fotothing is doanvnguyen
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hello everyone it's great to be a part of this blog
This will be my first attempt at using a blog site. My second online class, I'm going to embrace and enjoy this learning experience.
I am looking forward to learning from all of you.
My email address is Bailey1112@comcast.net. I think my foto name is Amy12.

Hi all. My name is Nancy. This is my third year at Albertus, and my major is English. I am hoping to go onto law school after I get my bachelors degree. In general, I have an aversion to cameras, including taking pictures and being in them, and I am hoping that this class will help me become more comfortable with photography. I have a five year old daughter, so you can see how not taking pictures is just unacceptable at this point. It’s not that I don’t like taking pictures, it’s just that I find myself too caught up in the moment to stop enjoying what is happening, and reach for my camera. But, over the past few years, I’ve missed countless opportunities to document some once in a life time things that now I can’t get back. I am hoping that this class will help develop my skills and also my appreciation for photography.
Jersey Girl
Hi, my name is Vanessa Epps mother of two young men 24 & 20. I am a Admin. Asisitant at Yale University Engineering Department. I love spending time with my family and friends, sports, long walks, reading, and meeting new people.
This is one of the last two classes, I am taking to complete my BA in Business Mgmt. After recievcing my dregree, I look forwarded to a carrer movement within my current employment.
Taking this class will be quite interesting for me. I am not the one to be on either side of the camera. I am hoping by taking this class it will help develop my experience.
This is one of the last two classes, I am taking to complete my BA in Business Mgmt. After recievcing my dregree, I look forwarded to a carrer movement within my current employment.
Taking this class will be quite interesting for me. I am not the one to be on either side of the camera. I am hoping by taking this class it will help develop my experience.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It's nice to meet you all..
My name is Danyelle Jones and I am the mother of two daughters 17 and 7. I am currently a Sr. Buyer/MRP Controller at Pratt & Whitney in Middletown. I've lived in New Haven most of my life. I love serving God and enjoy spending time with my family.
This is my last class in the Bachelor's Program in Business Management and once I am complete, I will be going on to the Master's Program in Environmental Engineeering.
I have no experience taking pictures as you will see in my photos. I am not very photogenic and try to stay as far away from the camera as possible. I am trying to overcome my bad camera experiences of just point and click along with taking self portraits that make me look like a crazy lady who lost her best friend. I want to be able to use my creativity and project them through pictures. This is definitely a learning experience for me and I encourage and am open to any tips you can provide.
This is my last class in the Bachelor's Program in Business Management and once I am complete, I will be going on to the Master's Program in Environmental Engineeering.
I have no experience taking pictures as you will see in my photos. I am not very photogenic and try to stay as far away from the camera as possible. I am trying to overcome my bad camera experiences of just point and click along with taking self portraits that make me look like a crazy lady who lost her best friend. I want to be able to use my creativity and project them through pictures. This is definitely a learning experience for me and I encourage and am open to any tips you can provide.
Katrina Fritzel

My name is Katrina Fritzel, but everyone calls me Katie.
I am 25 years old and live in Hamden, I am a psychology major. There isn't much I have to say about myself, and I've never been very good at introducing myself.
Ive created a fotothing account under the name KatieFritz.
And I look forward to seeing everyone's pictures on here.
What Do I Need To Do This Week?
Hi Everyone,
Here is a check list of things to do this week. Due by early Monday Morning, August 31, 2009.
1. Create your Blooger Account. Reply to the email that blogger sent you by clicking on the link. If the link is not an active one, copy and paste it into your browser window and hit return... you will be brought to the correct log-in page. To learn how to post and log in read this tutorial I created on my website.
It really is easy.... If you have an alias like "Inspector" or "Snapshot", let me know who you are so you can get credit for the post!
2. Post a photo of yourself... be creative! Try a reflection, your shadow, or just a straight shot. Tell us something about yourself.
3. Download and install Picasa3 software... This takes just a couple of minutes. Look at the video on how to use Picasa3 I created by following the link from the blog. Learn how to get pictures from your camera onto your computer using Picasa3.
4. Create a Fotothing account at fotothing.com... let me know your alias and go to http://fotothing.com/jnevins and add me as a "friend" That way you will be a member of the online class portfolio site.
It is VERY important to get these technical issues out of the way in this first week so that you don't fall behind!
Attendance is taken every Monday morning. I am looking for a post to this blog and an image uploaded to your fotothing account as a minimum.
Let me know if you are having any trouble in any way.... I am here to help!
Best wishes for a great class for you!
Here is a check list of things to do this week. Due by early Monday Morning, August 31, 2009.
1. Create your Blooger Account. Reply to the email that blogger sent you by clicking on the link. If the link is not an active one, copy and paste it into your browser window and hit return... you will be brought to the correct log-in page. To learn how to post and log in read this tutorial I created on my website.
It really is easy.... If you have an alias like "Inspector" or "Snapshot", let me know who you are so you can get credit for the post!
2. Post a photo of yourself... be creative! Try a reflection, your shadow, or just a straight shot. Tell us something about yourself.
3. Download and install Picasa3 software... This takes just a couple of minutes. Look at the video on how to use Picasa3 I created by following the link from the blog. Learn how to get pictures from your camera onto your computer using Picasa3.
4. Create a Fotothing account at fotothing.com... let me know your alias and go to http://fotothing.com/jnevins and add me as a "friend" That way you will be a member of the online class portfolio site.
It is VERY important to get these technical issues out of the way in this first week so that you don't fall behind!
Attendance is taken every Monday morning. I am looking for a post to this blog and an image uploaded to your fotothing account as a minimum.
Let me know if you are having any trouble in any way.... I am here to help!
Best wishes for a great class for you!
5 Min Video on Using Picasa3
Hi Everyone.. If you are unsure how to use Picasa, take a look at this 5 min video I just made on how to use the software.....
Week 1: Self-Portrait
Hello! My name is Cheryl Vereen. I am a senior at Albertus and striving to obtain my Bachelor's Degree in the spring. I currently work for the New Haven Board of Education as an assistant teacher in the area of special education. I have 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren. Getting my degree is something that I have dreamed of for a very long time. Photography interests me because a picture can say many things and can hold valuable memories. I bought a digital camera about 2 years ago and never really learned how to use the various settings. This course will force me to have to learn more about my camera, how to get that perfect shot, and I can use these tools to take better photos. I like all kinds of pictures from landscape to nature to family, and the list continues. I am positive this will be a great learning experience. It took a while for me to learn how to use fotothing, but I finally got it.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A little bit about me

My name is Chuck Franke, and I have been involved with photography for most of my life, in one form or another. I have gone through "all of the stages" as the famed Chuck Delaney calls them: Obsessing over the art, Obsessing over the equipment, Obsessing over lighting, Obsessing over the business, and now I am finally back to obsessing over the art again. While I do make money at photography, I do not feel that anyone can ever stop learning about the art of creating images. I honestly look forward to this class because already it has me re-examining my approach to this facinating art, and exploring it on levels that I have not had opportunity to for quite some time.
Here you see a shot of myself taken by holding the camera out at arm's length while trying to look "natural." My FotoThing name/address is SereneWolf, so please feel free to add me as 'friend'. I shot a number of other self-portraits for the week's allotment; You'll find them on my FotoThing page, although this is pretty much what I look like, so it is what it is, I guess. I do not always have this "...does this look like I am not holding a camera at arm's length?" face, however.
This should be an awesome experience, and I look forward to working, learning, and creatively growing with all of you!
Follower on the right hand side
Am I supposed to become a follower in order to get posts or does it come up automatically?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Test Run!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Welcome to Digital Photography!
Hi Everyone!
To get things started, let me tell you a bit about myself.... I have been teaching full time at Albertus Magnus College for the past 30 years and am grateful for the opportunity to spend my life working with students who want to learn more about art. I've been married for the past 34 years, and have 2 wonderful sons, 26 and 30. My older son is married and has two sons.... (All living with us!) ...a 2 year old and a 3 month old. He works for Disney as an Art Director and Graphic Designer in their book division.
My main interest is photography and I earned an M.F.A. in still photography from Rochester Institute of Technology. At Albertus I teach not only Photography but a range of other courses which include Digital Photography both online and face to face, Foundation Design (2-D and 3-D), Graphic Design, Ceramics, Intro to Computer Art, 20th Century Art History, and a new course I developed, The Museum Experience.
To learn more about me, take a look at my web site, http://jnevins.com. You can find a statement of my teaching philosophy (very student centered), syllabi form my other classes, a resume (called a Curriculum Vita in academic circles), tutorials on digital photography issues, portfolios of my work and more.
I look forward to working with you!
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