Hi my name is Doan. I work for AMC in the IT department. I took a photography class about 10 years ago with a real camera that used film. Now when I go to buy black and white film; it's full of dust on top of the box from sitting on the shelf too long.
I like to take pictures, especially of my daughters (5 and 1 year old). To me, a photograph is like a time machine.
My screen name for fotothing is doanvnguyen
Hey, if you ever need black & white film I have a pro-pak of Kodak 400 CN in 35mm sitting in my fridge. It is j-u-s-t past the expire date, but since it is C-41 process, this might give you a little bit more contrast - if anything at all is noticable. Put it this way, it is like the c-41 equivalent of Kodak T-max. LOL.
I, too, love film for it's "liquid look", but I am shooting mostly digital now for pragmatic reasons. Still; nothing like slapping a roll of the ole silver halide into the Nikon and shooting old-school!
Hi Doan...
Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your daughters in the portrait assignment!
You do need to post a photo on fotothing.. their system won't allow me to add you as a friend unless there is an image there.
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