Monday, October 5, 2009

Week 7: The Surrrealist Aesthetic: Composited and Constructed Realities

These are my favorite surreal portraits for the week. First, I must thank Danyelle, who responded to my desperate e-mails, gave me her phone number so she could help, and spent an hour walking me through how to get these images downloaded to my computer. There are a few more downloaded on fotothing, so if you're interested please check them out. As I mentioned before, my screen name in fotothing is cvereen77. Good luck to all. It has been a pleasure. Danyelle, because of your incredible computer skills, I'm keeping your phone number for future reference. Thanks for helping out a middle-aged grandmother with minimal computer skills.
Optical Illusion

We Have Arrived

Inventions Over Time


Danyelle said...

Cheryl.. You are very welcome.. I enjoyed viewing your photos and your surreal paintings are amazing.. I especially like the We have arrived and the inventions in time. Very creative..

C.M. Franke said...

AHA! I started a couple of these (to be posted soon) and debated on just going without a pre-fabbed background.(The background choices are a little limited and you can't seem to adjust the colors and stuff) Now I know that it really looks good!! Thanks for sharing that helpful info!!!

Jerry said...

Excellent work here... I love the top one... it is perfect in its repetition and simplicity.

One of the goals of this course is to get you to feel comfortable in a more sophisticated online environment than most people know how to do... it's that Web 2.0 era and young people know how to do all this... we don't want to be left behind do we?

cvereen77 said...

I'm much relieved and very satisfied with my work. I managed to do another painting, save it in my paint, and post online all by myself this time. I remembered everything Danyelle taught me. I'm so proud of myself.

KK said...

these are great:)

cvereen77 said...

Thank you. I can't wait to see what everybody else comes up with.

C.M. Franke said...

WOW, that one called "Shadows and Light" with the orbs and black dragon-flies is AWESOME!

cvereen77 said...

Thanks, Chuck. I'm glad you like it. After I got into the project, it was hard to stop. I had a rough time in the beginning, but now I go on the website just to create portraits for fun. Looks like you enjoyed this project, too.