A few new posts on my FotoThing site for this week's assignment. ("Downtown") I am going out to shoot more for this assignment, since once I got started I have gotten way more into it than I thought I would. Strangely enough, the old Petula Clark song was going through my head most of the time - I gotta get that checked out... Anyway, I shot in black and white here, but I am thinking of doing some color stuff as well. I appologize for the 'keystoning' (converging line distortion) on the buildings in these photos, but without the swings and tilts, and whatnot of a proper view camera, my attempts at architecture are limited to the impressionistic.
Chuck.. It's so funny that you are talking about converging line distrortion. They all look great to me. If you didn't say anything about it, I would have thought that was what you were trying to capture in your photos.
I really intended to shoot some more for this set, but I got pulled away, and never got back to it. I was hoping to try some urban night-time shots, but scheduling-wise this week was tough to get anyone to come along and watch my back on the street at night. Nevertheless, I really am starting to like this type of photography!
I do like the attention you paid to the repeating lines of the building.
Are you using Photoshop? Straightening out vertical lines is a snap and just takes a second.
Actually I have been using Photoshop 7. (old, and time to upgrade to CS, I know) I have been using the rectangle marquee and rotate tool to ameliorate some of the keystoning - but I didnt want to alter them too much for the assignment. I shot most of these with a smaller Panasonic Lumix to avoid drawing too much attention in public. ( I had a bad experience with that back around the time of 9/11 and now am very conscious of being conspicuous)
Chuck, I wanted to go downtown at night also and try to take some pics, but I was afraid to go downtown at night:) Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that you take great pics and your comments sometimes are pretty funny.
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