Here is where we build community for our online class... Post your best two images for the week with a little commentary. Comment on the work of your fellow students... A minimum of 3 or 4 comments per week is appropriate. This is an important part of your grade. Use fotothing to post your 6-10 assignment photos for the week.
Nice work you managed to capture a good shot and no smiling.
I especially like the picture of your co-worker on your fotothing. It's a classic shot.
I especially like the picture of your co-worker on your fotothing. It's a classic shot.
Braden looks like I do on many Mondays. I even have my hand up to my mouth too. (;-) Seriously, I thought I had hit "send" on this before, but these are really good. The lighting on the bottom one of your cousin in red is really good. Was that a window, or something reflecting light back to her face..? It looks like a really expensive soft-box light, is the reason I ask. Nice diffused lighting!
thank you all.. The photo of my cousin was taken at the hotel by the window.. It rained mostly all weekend so barely any sunlight.
My co-worker enjoyed taking the pictures, I try to only post the ones that I know have no flaws. That's why there are so few. Getting better though..
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