Hi Everyone.
I was riding down Prospect Street and my youngest daughter said, "mommy there is a man on the side of that building in a tin man suit can you turn around so I can see him". To my surprise, it was actually a soldier/tin man made of some sort of aluminum. I go down Prospect Street every day and never noticed it before. I just thought it was kinda cool the way they have him standing on the building. I posted a few more photos that I thought were pretty interesting on Fotothing. More for the shapes and images.
Wow, I was hoping nobody would spot me testing out the new armor for climbing tall buildings, but I guess I was not as inconspicuous as I thought... LOL. Seriously, Great shot Danyelle! I like the way it is framed by the trees!
If you do a google search for "tin man Yale", and click "I'm feeling lucky" one is brought to your fotothing post.
Jerry.. That is cool.. Did I do that.. LOL..
Thank you Chuck..
Thanks for your help, working to get the hang of this program and the posting. I like the tin man.
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