Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 6: The Digital Portrait

Hey all,

Here are a few of my favorite shots from this week's assignment. This is the first time I have ever shot images like this strictly using natural light and no flash whatsoever. I wanted to go about it as if I was a fashion photographer out shooting a magazine cover, so I called on the amazing "LittleWing" to model for me.
These are what I came up with - strictly with natural light and two Nikons. This was truly fun, and I just may do more of the total natural light shooting as it does look much more real than the over-produced (a perfect description) stuff that we see so often!


C.M. Franke said...
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Jerry said...

Super, Chuck... They are all good... I love the one of her in the leotard against the wall... did you know Leana from other classes?

C.M. Franke said...

Actually we have been friends for a while. I sometimes hang out with her brother Justin and her cousin Dirk. I really liked the way we hit the exactly right lighting at just the right time to create these. This was a case of 'everything all coming together just right'

C.M. Franke said...
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cvereen77 said...

These are great pictures. I love the lighting and the natural look of them all. The different poses look well thought-out.I'm still trying to get participation from my family to at least let me post the pictures until the class is over and then I'll remove them. Job well-done.

C.M. Franke said...

Yeah, that is always a tough scene! SO MANY people freak out when you mention taking their photo. All I can say is : Believe me: I have been there.

Danyelle said...
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Danyelle said...

Chuck all of your photos that are posted on fotothing that you took of lttle wing are beautiful. Nice Work..