Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 4: Light and Shadow

Here are a few preliminary shots for the "Light and Shadow" assignment. I grew up with film noir so I love shadows, but I only was able to devote a small ammount of time to shooting between other projects today; so some of these shots may disappear as I continue to explore this subject and create better images. For now, a few to get started...


Danyelle said...
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Danyelle said...

These are very creative. You have a very good eye Chuck..

C.M. Franke said...

Thanks, I really like this particular assignment, since you can find shadows anywhere that there is sunlight. I was going to do a "detective office" style thing with the venetian blinds, but its a little contrived, and I had more fun just sticking with natural shadows and shapes and stuff!

cvereen77 said...

Don't take these away! These are really great. I love how you captured the blades of a fan with shadow. Your creativity forces me to really use my brain on this assignment. Simple things can be quite beautiful when photographed properly.

joe cullen said...

i love the shot of the fan shadow, it reminds me of some bogart era detective flick