Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 3: By the Sea

My favorite place to be is always by the sea. I love to sit back, watch, and listen to the sounds of the ocean. I never gave much notice to the forms in the sand or rock formations. I took so many pictures that its hard to narrow down my favorites. See some of my other favorites on my fotothing page. While you are there, make sure you check out the picture of the "Smiling Rock." I hope you find these pictures interesting.


C.M. Franke said...

Where were the top ones shot? They almost look like a cave, or rock shelter of some kind. I often frequent a number of the "hidden" caves on Sleeping Giant in Hamden, so my eye is automatically drawn to those kind of shots - but they are all really good shots!

cvereen77 said...

These are all tasken at Lighthouse Point.
Thanks for the feedback.

Jerry said...

The best one is the bottom one, showing the wave erosion.... The top few are tough because of the sky you included... the luminance range is beyond the camera's ability to resolve both at the same time... it is best to avoid including sky in any pictures that are not about the sky.

C.M. Franke said...

The one that shows the rip-curl of the wave reminds me of a Japanese ceramic piece in the Yale Art Gallery called "View of the Distant Sea II." I really like this shot the more I look at it. I am not sure why, but it has a very "Zen" quality to it. The colors and luminance. Now I wanna shoot one like this!

cvereen77 said...

I was lying down in the sand waiting for that wave for about 10 minutes and taking many shots before I got the one I wanted.

joe cullen said...

i particularly like the third one from the top and especially the ripples in the sand. there's a lot of good light/shadow contrast in these two photos (in my opinion)

cvereen77 said...

Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your opinions and your encouragements.