Monday, September 14, 2009

I took these pictures in Miami this past May. These are of my favorite pictures from the entire vacation. My daughter and I were on the beach alone when the sun came up around 6am. I thought these was worth posting


Danyelle said...

Both of your photos are beautiful.. I like the footprints in the sand and the shadow that is reflected in the top photo. I also like the way the water, sand and sky all blend in together in the bottom photo..

Very Nice..

C.M. Franke said...

I like the angle on the shot of your daughter. Really conveys a sense of movement and action!

cvereen77 said...

You captured pretty much everything in this shot for example, lines, movement, texture, light, shadow, and even shape, especially in the clouds.

cvereen77 said...

You captured pretty much everything in this shot for example, lines, movement, texture, light, shadow, and even shape, especially in the clouds.

Jerry said...

They are nice Nancy, but submitting images taken in May is like submitting an old paper for a new class... doesn't count toward your grade...