Monday, September 14, 2009

I took this picture at West Haven Beach. I took several pictures, and I found it particularly interesting that the photo changed as the lighting did, even though it was essentially the same shot, same angle and location.


C.M. Franke said...

"Photography" has been defined as "painting with light", so you can literally get a hundred different shots of the same place, just based on how the sun is positioned. Plus, if your camera is full auto it will expose shots slightly different with each ligting condition based on its exposure matrix. If you want to have some fun, set it on maual and run through your ISO, shutter speed & f/stop combinations TRYING to get shots at different times of day to come out the same. Its kinda cool to do. (way too much time on my hands in the passt...)

cvereen77 said...

Nice use of an early sunrise to catch light, shadow, patterns, and texture.

Jerry said...

Nice curve of the land and light reflecting in the water....