Monday, September 7, 2009


This picture was taken in New Haven near the Giamo Building on Orange Street. I apologize for the delay everyone!


C.M. Franke said...

I really like this bottom shot! I know it was taken during the day, but for some reason it reminded me of a night shot - like Old London around the time of the 1800's. Almost like an old horsedrawn carriage will pull up under the 'gas-lights' at any moment. I mean, it just sort of has that feel to it.

KK said...

I like this pic to. I like the way the sun shines in on the side. good job.

Danyelle said...

This is a great shot.. It doesn't even look like the same ramp downtown.

Jerry said...

nice work, Katie...

The bottom one has a decent sense of geometry and you are filling the frame, both good things. I don't get a sense of light, however. And that could be edited in... however not with Picasso.

Ditto with the top one pretty much the same applies... we would like to edit more light into the focal point.

Jerry said...

Oops, Nancy, I meant this for Katie, just above you....

As far as the shot you posted though, here you've broken one of the fundamental rules but do get a great effect... shooting into the light source is usually not a good idea, but you able to pull it off in this case, and created a special sense of light.

Jerry said...

Guess My comment to katie didn't post here after all... sorry... :)